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Hyeladzira Maryam Adamu
2 min readDec 23, 2022


Unlike most people, I am struggling to write my year in review.

You know when you watch a movie filled with pain and pleasure, so balanced you do not know who won?

You are happy, but also sad?

That is my year.

This year, I got very suicidal.

I had tried cutting myself last year at the peak of my trauma, but this year, I was so close to ending my life so I just walked out on a particular situation.

It led to such a mess that I am yet to address because I don’t have the capacity to.

I lost some people dare to my heart.

I went through 7 talking stages that all crashed, two leaving me very broken.

I left two jobs this year, spoke about it on Facebook.

I also realized this year that I am not as special as I thought.

That realization did a number on me, but we move!

I was robbed, again.


This year, I finally started working on ways to keep ADHD in check.

I also got off my twice daily High BP prescription drugs.

I gained a lot of weight.

I moved out of the family house and got a place, and the laptop I have wanted for years.

I found and made amazing friends.

I hosted two Creatives’ Brunch and have become a Force in the Creative space in Bauchi.

I achieved 70% of the things on my Vision board.

I survived.

So yes, it may not be an entirely happy year, but it was a good year regardless.

As I lay down to write this, in between Christmas work, back and chest pain, and studying for Exams, I realize, I have a lot to be thankful for.



Hyeladzira Maryam Adamu

On the road to self. Faking being a Writer (hopefully I never get caught).