The Greatest romance…

Hyeladzira Maryam Adamu
3 min readJun 5, 2024


My friends and I at a concert 🤣

It’s quite early in the morning, but I woke up like 2 hours ago so my brain has booted for a long time so bear with me.

I'm just thinking of my friends.

You can say I miss them, because I really do.

But today I am a bit selfish.

I am thinking of me as a friend.




I am not a present, in-your-face friend.

I've said this before.

My friends know this.

I don't call everyday.

I don't check on my friends daily.

Because even in romantic relationships, as in platonic ones, I love my space.

But one thing you can't take from me is that I prioritize my friends.

They know this.

Everytime I speak to my friends, it is for long, fulfilling hours.

We talk about any and everything.

My friends and I are a safe space for each other.

I am not close to a lot of people, because honestly, as much as I seem like a friendly person, I am boring, and never know what to tell people outside intellectual conversations.

I also don't know how to gossip or hold small talks except I am extremely comfortable with you.

All my friends know this, and we have found a way to work.




I tell Strangers, and acquaintances that my friends are the greatest romance of my life, and I mean it.

No romantic relationship comes close to what my friends and I share.

It’s raw, unhinged, and unfiltered honesty and vulnerability.

It is one I will never give up.

I will NEVER give up my friendships for a romantic relationship.

Because my friendships come with boundaries, and comforts.

Anyone asking me to leave my friend(s) doesn't like me.

Do you know how long it took me to get to this space with my friends?

Who will I call to hear "I Love you" unprovoked?

Because my friends are best in ending every call with "I love you!"

Some will even say it in the middle of the call.

Abii, who will call me 'Baby' and mean it?

Who will love me with unfiltered honesty?




I digressed.

I was thinking of what sort of friend my friends would say I am, and I just hope they say I am the friend that shows up.

One thing I have tried to do in the past 1/2 years is to show up, physically, for my friends.

If you know me, you know I hate going out.

In fact, you can call me over a timeframe of three months and everytime you ask me where I am, I'd tell you "Home", "Church", "Work".

Like a clockwork.

But I am learning to show up in person for my friends.

It may not seem like much, but I hope my physical presence shows them they are not alone.

I hope it shows them I will always have their back.

Wherever I am, whatever it is I am doing, as long as it is within my power, I will show up for my friends.

I hope they always remember that.

I hope that I remember that I am the friend who shows up.

The one who would move mountains, and cross Oceans for her friends.

This is the friend I am working hard on being.

What type of friend are you?



Hyeladzira Maryam Adamu

On the road to self. Faking being a Writer (hopefully I never get caught).